Ext JS, YUI, and Dojo represent feature-complete frameworks. AngularJS, Backbone.js, and Ember are examples of lightweight frameworks. After years of experimenting with different frameworks and libraries we decided to stick with hugely popular AngularJS by Google.
I work in a Java shop, and one of my responsibilities is to create an conduct trainings (both internal and external). Several years ago I started to work with our engineers on the curriculum introducing AngularJS to an enterprise Java developer.
The learning curve of AngularJS is not too steep for Java developers, who understand the concept of containers, dependency injections, callbacks. They must become proficient with JavaScript with its functions, closures and other good stuff.
But equally important is to be familiar with todays tooling of a productive Web developer. Here’s a short list of tools that JavaScript developers use today:
- npm – node package manager used for installing and managing development tools
- yeoman – a scaffolding tool used to generate the initial structure of an application
- bower – package manager for application dependencies
- grunt – a build automation tool
- A JavaScript testing framework
The next decision to make is how to communicate with the Java backend. Forget about JSP, servlets, and JSFs. Preparing HTML in your Java code is out of fashion. A Java server exchanges the JSON-formatted data with a single-page HTML/JavaScript front end, which use either AJAX techniques (old) or WebSocket protocol (new).
On the Java side we like to use such tried and true technologies as RESTful Web service and Java Messaging API.
When we hire a AngularJS/Java developer, we expect him to be familiar with at least 90% of all the above buzzwords. Finding such skilled software engineers may be difficult, so we’ve created a training program to prepare such a person.
By now, we’ve taught and fine-tuned this training class multiple times. The latest online version of this class consists of seven weekly training sessions (3.5 hours each) and seven consultations (from 30 to 60 min each). Programmers learn and gradually apply all of the above tools and techniques while working on the Online Auction application that has the following architecture:
We have a great feedback from people who have completed this training. But everyone says it’s challenging. And it should be. Back in the nineties a person who knew one of the programming languages plus SQL could relatively easy get a well paid job. Not anymore.
Using JavaScript/HTML5 Rich Clients with Java EE 7
AngularBeans: Java EE 7/CDI Integration with AngularJS
Voxxed: Why Write JavaScript applications in TypeScript
TypeScript was designed by Anders Hejlsberg who also created C#, Delphi, and Turbo C++. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means that simply renaming existing .js into a .ts file will make it a valid JavaScript code. This is almost always the case except the cases described in this blog.
The TypeScript compiler tsc is actually a transpiler that generates easy to read JavaScript. TypeScript can be compiled into the ES#, ES5, or ES6 flavor of JavaScript, which is a simple option on the command line. You can run tsc in a so called watch mode, so it watches your files for changes and automatically compiles them as soon as you save the file.
Currently I use TypeScript for writing code that uses two frameworks by Google: Angular 2 (it’s written in TypeScript as well) and Polymer.
These are some reasons for writing JavaScript code in TypeScript:
* TypeScript supports types. This allows the TypeScript compiler help developers in finding and fixing lots of errors during development before even running the app.
* Creators of TypeScript follow the ECMAScript 6 standard,and TypeScript 1.6 already supports more than a half of the ES6 syntax. Also TypeScript enriches ES6 by adding types, interfaces, decorators, class member variables (fields), generics, and the keywords, public and private (well, private is not what some might think). See the roadmap of TypeScript.
* TypeScript interfaces allow to declare custom types that will be used in your application. Interfaces help in preventing errors caused by using the objects of wrong types in your application. This feature will be dear to the hearts of Java and C# developers although TypeScript interfaces can be use not only with the implements keyword, but used for presenting object types in a special way.
* The ability to have great IDE support is one of the main advantages that TypeScript has to offer. IDEs as well as some text editors offer great context-sensitive help. The code refactoring of TypeScript is done by IDEs whereas with JavaScript it has to be done manually.
* There is a library DefinitelyTyped that includes hundreds of type definitions files for TypeScript and allows IDEs to perform type checking and offer context-sensitive help while using APIs of literally all JavaScript frameworks.
* The generated JavaScript code is easy to read and looks as a hand-written code. Even though you can generate so called source maps that allow you to debug the TypeScript code inside the browser, you can easily read generated JavaScript and find the corresponding lines in your TypeScript program.
* TypeScript comes with a separate static code analyzer, and several IDEs or text editors already use it (e.g. WebStorm, Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2015 et al.)
Anyway, today TypeScript is my language of choice for writing the source code for Web browsers. I’m planning to write a couple of more blogs introducing TypeScript syntax. If you want to play with TypeScript, visithttp://www.typescriptlang.org.
If you’re developer who kept postponing learning JavaScript until better times, the time is now. You can ease into the JavaScript world via the door marked “TypeScript”.
If you’re planning to work with Angular 2 and want to see how to use TypeScript with this framework, our upcoming “Angular 2 Development with TypeScript” book may come handy.
This blog post takes a step-by-step approach to building a simple todo-list application with Angular 2.0. Along the way we’ll look at web components, dependency injection, TypeScript, bindings and the Angular 2.0 change detection strategy which combine to make a much more elegant framework to its predecessor.
The Toolbox of the Angular 2 Developer
This blog post takes a step-by-step approach to building a simple todo-list application with Angular 2.0. Along the way we’ll look at web components, dependency injection, TypeScript, bindings and the Angular 2.0 change detection strategy which combine to make a much more elegant framework to its predecessor.
The Toolbox of the Angular 2 Developer
In recent days Angular plays vital role to loading your site content in a fastest way, so it’s a required skill for everyone, thanks for sharing this useful information to our vision keep blogging.
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