"You don't want to break it down into too small a microservice. Some people are even talking about nano services, which is going a little too far. Don't go too far. Understand how you're going to measure success. That's critical in general but it is even more so for microservices," Little said.
Even where software is not working, avoid reimplementing everything from scratch because there may be elements that could be retained.
"If you've got something that doesn't work, you should still look to see if there's some of it that you could carve off and keep - particularly if you've had it deployed for 20 or 30 years and lots of people have, and particularly if it's implemented in COBOL, then it's battle-tested," Little said.
"It may not be all working for you today because the scale of your requests on Christmas day, for instance, are orders of magnitude more than they were 30 years ago. But that doesn't mean there aren't fundamental bits in that COBOL code that you could take and use again. You should, because if you're going to put bugs into a new system, you want to them to be new bugs. You don't want to reimplement old bugs that you've fixed."
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