Wednesday, 30 March 2016

To SQL or NoSQL? That’s the database question | Ars Technica

To SQL or NoSQL? That’s the database question | Ars Technica"It's increasingly apparent that for many, it's no longer an issue of SQL vs. NoSQL. Instead, it's SQL and NoSQL, with both having their own clear places—and increasingly being integrated into each other. Microsoft, Oracle, and Teradata, for example, are now all selling some form of Hadoop integration to connect SQL-based analysis to the world of unstructured big data. ]As Teradata General Manager of Enterprise Systems Dan Graham tells it, the move to embrace Hadoop was pushed largely by one big customer. Netflix was beating Teradata over the head until the company broke down and dragged everything into the cloud—Amazon Cloud, where most of your movies are now sitting, along with a bunch of other data. The result was a hybrid environment of Amazon Hadoop plus Teradata Cloud for Hadoop, which aims to take care of the heavy lifting with Hadoop monitoring, maintenance, and installation. Teradata is now actually selling Hadoop itself and using its own SQL query optimizer technology to serve it up to business customers' tools. "If you know what you're doing, [Hadoop is] really not competing with us," Graham said. "It's the difference between a big Ford truck and a BMW sedan. Do they compete? A little, yes. But if you do best-pick engineering, you'll get what you need. If you're carrying refrigerators, or bags of cement, you don't want to put them in a BMW. You put it in a Ford 150.""

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