Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Could PostgreSQL 9.5 be your next JSON database?

Could PostgreSQL 9.5 be your next JSON database?: "You can use PostgreSQL to create rich, complex JSON/JSONB documents within the database. But then if you are doing that, you may want to consider whether you are using PostgreSQL well. If the richness and complexity of those documents comes from relating the documents to each other then the relational model is often the better choice for data models that have intertwined data. The relational model also has the advantage that it handles that requirement without large scale duplication within the actual data. It also has literally decades of engineering expertise backing up design decisions and optimizations.

What JSON support in PostgreSQL is about is removing the barriers to processing JSON data within an SQL based relational environment. The new 9.5 features take down another barrier, adding just enough accessible, built-in and efficient functions and operators to manipulate JSONB documents.

PostgreSQL 9.5 isn't your next JSON database, but it is a great relational database with a fully fledged JSON story. The JSON enhancements arrive alongside numerous other improvements in the relational side of the database, "upsert", skip locking and better table sampling to name a few.

It may not be your next JSON database, but PostgreSQL could well be the next database you use to work with relational and JSON data side by side."

'via Blog this'

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