Friday, 22 July 2016

REST etc: Don’t Version Your Web API - InfoQ

Don’t Version Your Web API: "For Lambla, none of these versioning techniques work on the open web. What we really want is something that can evolve, using contracts that smoothly can evolve with needed changes. For Lambla this is a well understood problem, and refers to the web; with many millions of microservices it has been running for 25 years without too many problems and no versioning with the exception of HTTP.

The first pillar for evolvable contracts is backward compatibility. Lambla uses HTML as an example where there are lot of elements that we are discouraged from using, but they are still supported by clients since we can’t update all web sites in the world. The same principles should apply to an API; as it evolves it must still support old formats.

The second pillar is forward compatibility. To achieve this, you have to ignore the unknown or what is not understood. Lambla refers to CSS as an example where new attributes can be handled without problems. To achieve this, fall-back rules are used to handle unknown attributes, an important way to get extensibility points.

XML is still commonly used, and often with XML schemas. To support evolvability here we must be flexible in content and Lambla therefore strongly recommends against validating schemas in servers as well as in clients. Instead we should just find the elements and attributes we need and ignore the rest.

To avoid versioning, we need to continue with support of all features, but we can’t keep all changes in an API forever. Old features that are rarely used should be removed. To know when they can be removed we need to use metrics and measure usage. We can then decide that when usage falls below for example, 1%, the feature can be removed."

'via Blog this'

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