What Golang Is and Is Not: "“Innovative” is such an overused and abused word that it has lost a lot of power and meaning. All innovation is contextual and to use the word without context is foolhardy. In the context of language design Go was never an innovative language, nor was it presented as such, or anyone dishonest in representing it that way.
As a language Go was always explicitly a return to simplicity, and in many ways naivety, for sound reasons.
“There is nothing new under the sun” rings true in all languages since the 80’s.
Virtually everything we see in language design now that someone says is “innovative” has been explored in some form before. Go is certainly no exception, but remember it never claimed to be state of the art.
Regarding the language being youthful, of course it is, but the intention is not for the language itself to ‘mature’: no more complexity is going to be added, or at least it’s very unlikely.
It is not ‘missing’ comprehensions, or inheritance, or generics, they are omitted (and I pray, always will be). In some way, in the context of the current fashion of returning to more functional languages, or the evolution of good old languages to include more functional paradigms (I’m looking at you Javascript and Python for two examples) then in a tenuous convoluted way Go has ‘innovated’ by avoiding that trend."
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