Sunday, 11 December 2016

Death to JIRA | TechCrunch

Death to JIRA | TechCrunch: "I promised a better way. It is astonishingly simple. We already have an extremely powerful descriptive system which can be used to specify complex systems while including ambiguities, uncertainties, interwoven relationships, iterative levels of success, and an arbitrarily broad spectrum of scale and detail. It is called “prose.”

For some reason many companies today seem to be terrified of the prospect of writing more than a couple of paragraphs of clear and simple prose. But a well-written 8-page document can define the nuances of a complicated system far better than a whole cumbersome flotilla of interlinked JIRA tickets.

Indeed it’s easy to envision an automated system which takes a simple text document, parses it into sentences, bullet points, paragraphs, sections, and chapters, and tracks the estimation and progress of those elements — at whichever scale makes sense in that context — instead of tickets. (I suppose you could even automatically render them into JIRA tickets, if you really had to; but the point is that the master specification would be a single coherent prose document.)"

'via Blog this'

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